• School Specialty

    Contract#: 023-D

    Solicitation Type: IFB #023-D School and Instructional Supplies
    Category: Instructional & School Supplies
    Description: Classroom supplies
    Maturity Date: 2/28/2027

    Contract documents


    Contract#: 022-A

    Solicitation Type:  AEPA 022-A  Furniture
    Category: Furniture
    Description: School Specialty offers a broad line of project furniture offered by multiple manufacturers
    Maturity Date: 2/28/2026

    Contract Documents


    Contract#: 023-G

    Solicitation Type: IFB 023-G Athletic Equipment & Supplies
    Category: Athletics
    Description:School Specialty offers a broad line of sports equipment and training accessories.
    Maturity Date: 02/28/2027

    Contract Documents

    IFB #023-G Athletics (Audit Packet)
    Contract Offer and Award (2022)

    This contract was established through an Invitation for Bids which was competitively solicited, reviewed and awarded by AEPA. It was done in accordance with Chapter 54-40.3 of the North Dakota Century Code and allows North Dakota members to purchase products from the contract without bidding.