Contract #21.4 - BNN
Barnes & Noble offers trade books, mass market paperbacks, children’s books, eBooks and other digital content, and more.Member Benefits
- Up to 35% discount on all non-additional discount books from list price
- Up to 40% or more discount on Sterling Publishing titles
- Value added services
- Free shipping
Account Team Contact
- Ed Hogan | 952-913-0640 | ehogan@bn.com
How to Order
Send your requests to: businessdevelopmentbids@bn.com. A business development manager will connect with you directly to proceed with your order. Make sure to reference CPC 21.4 when sending in your requests.Include the following information on your request:
- Item Number - the13-digit ISBN (please do not provide any prefixes, dashes, or other punctuation in the item numbers)
- Name of Product
- Quantity
to find this information, you can reference bn.com
Company Profile
Barnes & Noble’s principal business is the sale of trade books (generally, hardcover and paperback titles), mass market paperbacks (such as mystery, romance, science fiction and other popular fiction), children’s books, eBooks and other digital content, NOOK® and related accessories, bargain books, magazines, gifts, café products and services, educational toys & games, music and movies direct to customers through our bookstores or on www.barnesandnoble.com. We offer our customers a full suite of textbook options (new, used, digital and rental).