    Company Profile
    Sysco is the global leader in selling, marketing and distributing food products to restaurants, healthcare and educational facilities, lodging establishments and other customers who prepare meals away from home. Its family of products also includes equipment and supplies for the food service and hospitality industries. The company operates 193 distribution facilities serving approximately 425,000 customers. 

    Member Benefits

    Members receive significant discounts on food costs and can order on an "as needed" basis to reduce storage needs and increase product freshness. 

    Contract pricing with Sysco extends to all K-12 items stocked in their warehouse and to all special order items. All items are sold to member schools at Sysco’s cost, plus their fixed delivery fee per case.
    Top Selling Items
    NDESC and Sysco have compiled a list of the top selling items that have been purchased by participating school districts. These top selling items typically receive deeper discounts.
    Quarterly Top Selling Price List
    Please contact NDESC for pricing, 866-337-2005.
    • Quarter 1: July through September
    • Quarter 2: October through December
    • Quarter 3: January through March
    • Quarter 4: April through June
    Volume Incentive Reward Program
    Members who have pledged to utilize Sysco as their primary supplier (75% of purchases or more, excluding bread and milk) and average over 50 cases per delivery in a quarter, they will receive a volume incentive payment of $0.20 per case for every case they purchased in that quarter. As the average delivery size and program usage increase, the volume incentive payment can go as high as $0.30 per case.

    Connect With Your Account Team

    School districts that are interested in joining the food service program must complete the Request to Join form found below. This request, which the Cooperative submits to Sysco, will determine if Sysco is able to service your school district. Schools will be notified of Sysco’s decision within one to two weeks. Members that request and are approved to join the food service program must agree to purchase at a 75% level (excluding bread or milk) or higher to receive discount pricing.

    Compete form online, print, sign and return. 
    Bid Documents

    This contract is the result of a formal bid. Please contact Lisa Truax at ltruax@ndesc.org if you have any questions regarding the process of this bid and how it was designed to meet all of the USDA and ND Department of Public Instruction bid guidelines.