• Rapids Wholesale

    Contract #18.7 SWE

    Rapids Wholesale Equipment offers smallwares and large equipment for your school's kitchen.

    Member Benefits

    • Nearly 200 deeply discounted items (original bid)
    • 5% discount on full catalog (items outside the original bid)
    • When ordering any single item over $1,000 receive an additional 5% on items less than $1,000 in the same order
    • Some exceptions apply such as sales items and items in the original bid
    • Any members doing remodels or new builds will have access to the kitchen design team at no additional cost

    How to Order

    Call or email Nick Schmitt at 319-373-7296 or nick.schmitt@rapidswholesale.com to get an account set up on rapidswholesale.com

    On Express 

    • Login or register for Express at www.cpcexpress.org 
    • Use the magnifying glass to search the catalog of nearly 200 deeply discounted items. 

    $10 shipping charge on orders less than $50. Orders over $50 will ship free freight.

    Some exceptions apply:

    • Items marked "Clearance", or "Sale", may be excluded
    • Chemicals that ship HAZMAT are excluded
    • Furniture, furniture components and furniture sets are excluded
    • Custom-built, made to order and some oversized products may be excluded.

    Ask for details: 319-373-7296 or 319-373-7295. -Liftgate service or any other special delivery services are excluded

    Company Profile

    Established in 1936, Rapids is a family-owned, full-service dealership that provides foodservice equipment and supplies, along with comprehensive design/consultation services and facility management, to a wide spectrum of customers. Using experience, technology and innovation, the professionals at Rapids can deliver solutions for every situation and budget.