• SafetyFirst Playground Maintenance

    Contract # 24.8-SFP
    SafetyFirst services include, surfacing, playground relocation, maintenance/repairs, inclusion, and problem specific solutions.

    SafetyFirst Playground Maintenance

    Member Benefits

    • Best pricing on installation, maintenance and products including:
    • IPEMA Certified Nature’sPlus Playground Safety Surfacing (100% tamarack engineered wood fiber) compliant to fall heights of 18’
    • ImpactMats, ADA accesses and custom surrounds
    • Free Annual Surfacing and Maintenance Assessments
    • Ask about our discounts on large or multi site projects (10% - 14%)

    How to Order
    Visit our website: www.safetyfirstplayground.com and click on “Get a Quote”
    Ask for CPC exclusive pricing!

    Account Team Contact
    Allison Jones | 320-496-9118 | allison.jones@safetyfirstplayground.com

    Company Profile
    SafetyFirst Playground Maintenance is a family owned and operated company founded in 2010. Since then, our operation has been providing communities with safer, more enjoyable playgrounds throughout the Midwest. SafetyFirst Playground Maintenance is a business member of Minnesota Association of School Maintenance Supervisors and the Minnesota Recreation and Parks Association.


    Contract Offerings
    SafetyFirst Playground Maintenance provides comprehensive playground repair, maintenance and installation services.