• Contract # 25.2 - NAS
         Reference number for ordering: 13424

    You make great learning experiences happen — we provide the tools and support you need
    Delivering effective lessons isn’t easy. That’s why Nasco Education specializes in bringing you hands-on materials that engage students both in and out of the classroom.   

    Hands-on tools for every subject
    We help you create learning environments — with everything from supplies to furniture — where students can exercise their creativity, boost 21st century skills, and explore career fields. You’ll find tools to support a wide variety of subjects, including art education, math, science, SEL, STEM/STEAM, health science, AFNR, and family and consumer sciences.  

    Open-and-go learning kits that save you time
    To save you valuable prep time, we’ve also gathered the most sought-after learning materials and created open-and-go student kits and whole-class kits, complete with lesson plans. And when you need a specific mix of supplies to support your curriculum, we make it happen. Our custom kit team is always ready to source, package, and deliver educational kits exactly to your specifications.  

    Free professional development resources 
    Looking for new ideas for your classroom? Visit our Teacher Resource Center at nascoeducation.com/teacher-resources to download free standards-aligned lesson plans, watch expert webinars, find insightful blog posts, and more!   

    Visit nascoeducation.com and use quote 13424 today! 

    Member Benefits
    Members receive the following discounts: 

    • Art 20%
    • Math and Literacy 15%
    • Science and Dissection 15%
    • STEM/STEAM 15%
    • FACS 15%
    • Ag Education 10%
    • Physical, Health and SEL Education 10%
    • Free shipping on orders of $50 or more (after discount)* 

    Shipping Details
    $50.00 minimum order requirement after discount is applied to receive free shipping, truck logo excluded. Orders below $50 receive a $5.00 shipping charge. 

    Nasco Education pays ground shipping to school facilities except for items with a truck logo, preserved materials, furniture, equipment, and bulky/heavy items. "NZ" prefix items and most "Z" prefix items are excluded from free shipping. Truck shipments are dock delivery.  

    *Some exclusions apply. Please visit nascoeducation.com/shipping for current shipping information. Hawaii and Alaska not included in free shipping offer. Please call 1.800.558.9595 for shipping rates.  

    How to Order

    On Express

    • If you’re on www.ndesc.org – log in or register for the Express online marketplace by clicking "Express Signin" in the top menu bar.

    Visit NascoEducation.com

    • Log into your account on nascoeducation.com or enter your discount code (13424) when viewing a product to see your discounted price and checkout online.  
    • Email or fax your order to orders@nascoeducation.com. Please include quote number 13424 on all orders. 

    Members may also email or fax a completed requisition form or purchase order to your sales representative listed at right.

    Payment Terms 

    Net 30 days, with approved credit  


    Pricing quotes 
    Customer Service 
    1.800.558.9595 option #1 