• The North Dakota Educators Service Cooperative (NDESC) is a joint powers of North Dakota school districts, multi-district special education units, cities, counties, other governmental agencies and nonprofits organized under the provisions of Chapter 54-40.3 of the North Dakota Century Code.

    The purpose of NDESC is to assist in meeting specific needs of the members which are determined to be better provided by a cooperative effort, including the joint purchasing of programs, goods and services which are priority needs of the members. NDESC may also assist in meeting specific needs that are identified by its individual members.

    We invite members to bookmark these pages as your guide to NDESC programs.

    Not a member yet? Click on the "Membership" link in the left column for more information.  Feel free to browse these pages to see what opportunities are available to your district or organization!


    NDESC Board Members

    President - Wayne Stanley - South Prairie School
    Vice President - Wayne Heckaman, Bakken Area Skills Center
    Matt Bakke - Grand Forks Schools
    Steve Hall - Fairmount Public School
    Steve Holen - McKenzie County
    Michael McNeff - Rugby Public School
    Britney Gandhi - Richland #44 School District
    Kristi Grounds - Jamestown Public Schools
    Ryan Lagasse - Mandan Public Schools
    Kris Kuehn - Ray Public Schools
    Brandt Dick - Bismarck Public Schools