• Contract # AEPA 023-E
    Total Technology provides ethical and transparent device buyback solutions for all of your Chrome, Apple, and Windows devices. Total Technology specializes in creating customized device buyback programs for all entities to maximize the revenue of retired IT equipment.

    Member Benefits

    • Up Front Quoting
    • Guaranteed Minimums
    • Assured Destruction Services
    • Recycling

    Account Team Contact
    Jason Lewandowski | 248-978-2965 | jlewandowski@totaltechnology.com

    Brendan Wittry | 224-402-2424 | bwittry@totaltechnology.com

    Contract Manager – Maureen Craine | 562-254-2433 | mcraine@totaltechnology.com

    How to Order

    1. Email Jason Lewandowski - jlewandowski@totaltechnology.com
    2. Include Contract #21.11 in the “subject line”
    3. Provide an asset list with year/make/model/description
           a. Photos if Possible
    4. Provide any special instructions, such as: assured destruction, tracking, wipe reporting, certificate of recycling that may be necessary
    5. Pick up location and access to the devices details

    Company Profile
    We specialize in creating the most value for your obsolete technology. We provide buyback solutions regardless of the project size. Technology is a critical investment for any organization, and it is as important that you receive the highest value for those devices when it is time to refresh your fleet.